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News Headlines now display as news ticker

Posted: 16-01-2012

The News browser has been changed to allow news headlines to display as a scrolling or fading news ticker.

The news resource has now been changed to allow more display options on headlines.

Headlines can now be displayed in a news news ticker format that either scrolls or fades in/out headlines. The scrolling/fading speed and the length of time that each headline is displayed can also be varied. Headlines link back to the full news article.

The new options will be available in the next client release.

Twitter Feed updates

Posted: 09-01-2012

Access to your Twitter timeline can be a bit of a hit and miss affair, quite often calls to the API return an empty timeline so nothing shows in the Twitter Feed resource. The Twitter Feed now caches the results of a successful call which can then be retrieved from disk if the timeline returns as empty.

Animalcarpet 3 goes live.

Posted: 09-01-2012

It's been a long time in gestation but the new version has finally gone live on a customer site. Check out A Head for PR's new site and read the case study on the clients and sites page. The site makes good use of the new features available in the latest version of Animalcarpet CMS and incorporates a whole host of new resource types.

You can read more about the new features available in Animalcarpet CMS version 3 here.


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